A 40 Day Challenge To be like jesus

small group registration is Open!

sign-up below or contact Allie Trieb to join a group

Sign-up to join one of the small group opportunities below.  Don't see one that will work for you?  Grab some friends and create a group of your own, take this challenge on as a family, or follow along individually.  Groups will start meeting the week of October 6th and go through the week of November 10th.

Any way you choose to participate we want to support and encourage you along the way!

To help offset the cost of books we are asking for a $10 donation. To make the donation click here and select "Small Group" from the drop down menu or drop off a check or cash at the church office. 

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Carrie Bell

    *Will wrap in time to attend the 10:30 service.

    Click HERE to join!

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Jim & Candy Miller

    *Childcare provided

    Click HERE to join!

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Trinity Mom's Group

    Click HERE to join!

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Scott & Kristin Miller/ Co-hosted by: Steve & Patti Kelly

    *Kids welcome, but no dedicated childcare.

    Click HERE to join!

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Joy Schreiber

    Click HERE to join!

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Kristi Drew

    Click HERE to join!

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Pastor Mark

    Click HERE to join!

  • Being Challenge - Group Study

    Hosted by: Jeremy & Allie Trieb

    *Kids welcome, but no dedicated childcare. A meal will be shared before the study begins.

    Click HERE to join!

  • Looking for something else?

    • Grab some friends and create a group of your own
    • Take this challenge on as a family
    • Follow along individually
    Any way you choose to join the Being Challenge - we want to support and encourage you.  

    Please email Allie Trieb to let us know how you are participating.

Weekly Videos


A strong relationship with God solves everything.

The most important target to hit as a disciple of Jesus is BEING in a relationship with Him. We know what it’s like to have the desire to grow in our relationship with God and yet feel stagnant. Take the 40-Day Being Challenge designed to help you grow in your relationship with God and be like Jesus.

  • Week 1 - Introduction: Keystone Habits

    Pray for the Spirit to open your heart and mind as you enter these 40 days. Enjoy the journey!



    DAY 1 (p. 32) 

    Commit to Community

    DAY 2 (p. 36)

    Study Scripture

    DAY 3 (p. 40)

    Prioritize Prayer

    DAY 4 (p. 44)   

    Seek Solitude

    DAY 5 (p. 48)   

    Choose Church

  • Week 2 - COmmit To Community

    DAY 6 (p. 54)

    Wired for Relationships


    DAY 7 (p. 60)

    The Power of Christian Community


    DAY 8 (p. 65)

    Community Influences You


    DAY 9 (p. 70)

    Community Helps You Find Purpose

    DAY 10 (p. 76)

    Community In a Digitial World

    DAY 11 (p. 80)

    The Sneaky Enemy of Individualism


    DAY 12 (p. 86)

    Commit To One

  • Week 3 - Study Scripture

    DAY 13 (p. 94)

    Finding Identity in Scripture

    DAY 14 (p. 100)
    The Four Rs of Studying Scripture


    DAY 15 (p. 106)
    Serve someone who will not be able to give you anything in return.


    DAY 16 (p. 112)

    Not a Blind Faith


    DAY 17 (p. 118)
    Know the Truth


    DAY 18 (p. 124) 
    You Are What You Eat


    DAY 19 (p. 130)

    God Is Speaking Through the Scriptures

  • Week 4- Priooritize PRayer

    DAY 20 (p. 138) 

    Where Do I go?

    DAY 21 (p. 1144) 
    First Response or Last Resort?


    DAY 22 (p. 150

    How You Should Pray


    DAY 23 (p. 156) 
    Prayer Reps


    DAY 24 (p. 162) 
    Praise God!


    DAY 25 (p. 168) 

    Prayers Changes Things


    DAY 26 (p. 172)

    The Power of Persistency in Prayer

  • Week 5 -Seek Solitude

    DAY 27 (p. 180)

    Seek God First

    DAY 28 (p. 186) 

    Is Being Alone Good?


    DAY 29 (p. 192) 
    Any Room Left For God?


    DAY 30 (p. 198) 
    Solitude's Weapon of Mass Distraction


    DAY 31 (p. 204) 
    Focus Is The New Superpower of the 2020's


    DAY 32 (p. 210) 

    Whispers of God

    DAY 33 (p. 216)

    Fill Your Mind

  • Week 6 - Choose Church

    DAY 34 (p. 224)

    Over and Over and Over Again

    DAY 35 (p. 230) 

    Magnify Jesus


    DAY 36 (p. 236) 
    Spiritual But Not Religious


    DAY 37 (p. 242) 
    Immer Fort: Always Forward


    DAY 38 (p. 248) 
    A Different Church


    DAY 39 (p. 254) 

    The 1 and The 111

    DAY 40 (p. 258)

    If It Bleeds, It Leads