Trinity's church governance

Here at Trinity, we have four key leadership teams; each with a different purpose and under which the other ministries fall.

Trinity Board of Directors are our main governing body with the other three teams being co-equal, meaning they work in close partnership as a group, in conjunction with the Board of Directors.

Further information and a list of current team members are available in the drop-down menu below.

CLICK HERE to view the Trinity Constitution.

Continue scrolling for a list of our current leadership team members.

current leadership

  • The Board of Directors is the overarching leadership team of the church. This team will focus on vision and the programs of our church, working with the pastors and staff to assist with yearly plans and then making sure those plans are accomplished. It is Christ-led and Spirit-driven, emphasizing prayer and Bible study in discussions and decision making.

    Jeremy Trieb - Board President

    Amy Pals- Vice President

    Judy Easler - Treasurer

    John Stelling - Secretary

    Steve Kelly

    Heather Hampton

    Beth Weiskopf

    The Trinity Board of Directors meet on the third Monday of each month.  Hard copies of the board meeting minutes are printed and available to our members in the church office.

  • The Deacons are led by the Pastoral office or designee, works with the Staff Team to prioritize and support discipleship in our church.  The Deacons main focus is on the people of the congregation and their spiritual welfare. They assist and support the pastors and called workers in the congregation's ministry of Word and Sacrament, with the hope that God's people at Trinity will engage their gifts in ministries that multiply.

    Jacob Byrnes - Chair of Deacons

    Brett Easler

    Denny Lee

    Dennis Hartung

    Carrie Bell

    John Otte

    Kristin Miller

    Mitch Greunke

  • The Finance Team's main focus is being good stewards of Trinity’s finances. This team will handle all of the financial aspects of our congregation. They will work hand in hand with Trinity's Business Administrator to set the yearly budget, make sure that the budget is followed, and perform repairs and maintenance to our facilities. This team works closest to the Board of Directors.

    Judy Easler - Treasurer

    Barb Coffey - Business Administrator

    Kori Land

    Denny Lee

    Dan Gaeu

    Mike Riess

    Char Skoviera

  • The Staff Team, led by the Senior Pastor, provides key equipping leadership to the other teams. Working with servants and other staff, these Directors, Associates, and Assistants are accountable for carrying out the mission and vision-culture of our ministry on a day-to-day basis. This team works closest with the Deacons.

    Ministry Team

    Mark Schreiber - Sr. Pastor

    Barb Coffey - Business Administrator

    Kristi Drew - Office Admin.

    Tracey Steivang - Director Youth Ministry

    Shelby Stoll - Family/Youth Admin.

    Alexandria Trieb - Director of Children's Ministry

    Trinity Academy & Early Childhood Team

    Steve Schoenecker - Academy Principal

    Lindsay Polk - Director T.E.D/Wrap Care & Summer Trailblazers

    Amy Radke - Director Trinity Early Childhood Academy (TECA)

    For more information about our Academies and its leadership, please go the Trinity Academy webpage.