Current Employment opportunities

  • Preschool Classroom Assistant, Part-time

    M,W,F Mornings 8-12pm

    Trinity Academy is looking for a partime classroom assistant to help in our 3 year old room.  Under the direction of the classroom teacher the assistant works along side to ensure a high quality early childhood program.  The program runs September through May with school holidays off.  Duties include working with children for art, free time, sensory table, preparing for lessons, walking children to the bus and helping at recess time.

    For further information or to submit a letter of interest and a resume please email Attention Principal.

  • Afternoon T.E.D. Teacher, Part-time

    Trinity Extended Day (T.E.D) Wrapcare program for preschool is seeking an afternoon classroom teacher hours typically 2:30-5:30 or 3:30-5:30 M-F.  Duties include providing activities for students, supervising free play time, recess and snack.  For further information or to submit a letter of interest and resume please email. Coordinator Lindsay Polk at