First Communion

Dear Parent(s) and Guardians of Fifth Graders, 


We are pleased to invite you to register your fifth grader and one parent/guardian for our First Communion classes at Trinity Lutheran Church. It is a privilege to teach the promises and presence of God that are given to us in this beautiful meal, so we are pleased to partner with you in this formative moment. Here are the details: 


When:  March 4 from 9 AM - Noon  

Where: Trinity East   

Who: Pastor Mark will be teaching.  This workshop is for parents and children.  

(We ask that each student has one adult with them, but more are welcome.) 



Seder Meal – First Communion

After these classes, students are invited to participate in a “Seder Meal,” similar to the Passover meal Jesus engaged in with his disciples on the night he instituted Communion. This meal will take place on Thursday, March 30, at 6:30 PM at Trinity East.  At this meal, your child will have communion for the first time. Families will eat together and participate in a ritual-reading that connects us to the story of the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. Extended family are invited to this meal. The Seder meal is a special occasion, so please dress accordingly. Mark your calendar, more details to come.


Palm Sunday – Communion with the Trinity Family

On Palm Sunday, April 2, you and your family are invited to share in the communion meal with our entire Trinity family.  Join us at any of our four worship services.


We look forward to seeing your child take this milestone step in their faith life through first communion. It will be a privilege to teach the promises and presence of God that are for us in this beautiful meal. We are pleased to partner with you in this formative moment.  If you have a conflict with this date please reach out to me at to discuss. 


Your child, (and me and you, too) needs this meal. It is the firm foundation of God’s Kingdom. Let’s bring your child to the table.



Pastor Mark Schreiber