There are hundreds of books and bible studies on following Jesus, but few are practical and proven. Jesus modeled a whole life and even told us how to follow Him in HIS OWN WORDS (the red letters found in many Bibles). The best way to follow Jesus is simply to follow the words of Jesus.
Week 2 - BEING - Feb 26-Mar 4 (first week of group meetings)
Have you ever wished that you could hear God speak to you? We can! The Bible is where God reveals himself and speaks to us. In “Being,” we are abiding in Him. (Jn 8:31) How are you abiding in Christ?
2/26 - SUNDAY - DAY 6 (p. 40)
Open the Bible and Hear from God.
2/27 - MONDAY - DAY 7 (p. 46)
Spend some time today in prayer (A.C.T.S.)
2/28 - TUESDAY - DAY 8 (p. 52)
Worship God through music.
3/01 - WEDNESDAY - DAY 9 (p. 58)
Spend some time in solitude today.
3/02 - THURSDAY - DAY 10 (p. 64)
Go on a fast today.
3/03 - FRIDAY - DAY 11 (p. 70)
Celebrate God, have some fun, get together with friends, throw a party.
3/04 - SATURDAY - DAY 12 (p. 76)
Take today off/schedule a day off (spend intentional time with God).
- This week has numerous days that need a little planning ahead, activities such as fasting, a day long sabbath, getting together with friends.
- If you can’t do some (or all the activities) this week, make sure to schedule that intentional time with God and others this week.
- We can’t wait to hear from you all about this intentional time.
- Click Here to watch the Week 2-Being video.
- This week has numerous days that need a little planning ahead, activities such as fasting, a day long sabbath, getting together with friends.
Week 3 - FORGIVING - Mar 5-11
No matter how horrible our sins, God extends his grace and forgiveness to us. Because we are forgiven, we extend forgiveness to others. This is often one of the hardest things for us to do when we feel hurt or wronged. Jesus calls us to forgive. Who do you need to forgive today?
3/05 - SUNDAY - DAY 13 (p. 84)
As we start or week of forgiveness…repent and believe.
3/06 - MONDAY - DAY 14 (p. 90)
This is the day to drop our rocks.
3/07 - TUESDAY - DAY 15 (p. 96)
Nail a plank in your eye.
3/08 - WEDNESDAY - DAY 16 (p. 102)
Be intentional about showing mercy to someone today.
3/09 - THURSDAY - DAY 17 (p. 108)Pray to God about forgiving someone who has done you wrong.
3/10 - FRIDAY - DAY 18 (p. 114)
Pray for those who have hurt you.3/11 - SATURDAY - DAY 19 (p. 120)
Identify a sin you are still struggling with.
- This week of forgiveness can be a tough week for some, be sensitive with one another.
- If you are struggling with forgiveness after this week and time in your small group, please reach out to our Ministry Team for support and/or to talk. The pastors’ office is a place to have one-on-one talk and to dump the load of sin at the cross. It’s confidential and personal.
- Pastor Mark Schreiber & Pastor Jim Bender
- If you prayed the prayer on page 89 for the first time, Praise be to God! Yay! If you are willing, please email Kristin Miller and simply type, "I prayed the prayer" so that our ministry team so can celebrate with you!
- Click Here to watch the Week 3-Forgiving video with your group this week
Week 4 - SERVING - Mar 12-18
In our relationship with God, we receive His abundant grace, love, and forgiveness. This compels us to serve others – in many different ways – with the love we have received. Where has God called you to serve?
3/12 – SUNDAY – DAY 20 (p. 128)
Because You Say So, I Will – Attitude Challenge.
3/13 – MONDAY – DAY 21 (p. 134)
Find a way to put someone else’s needs before yours today.3/14 – TUESDAY – DAY 22 (p. 140)
Serve someone who will not be able to give you anything in return.3/15 – WEDNESDAY – DAY 23 (p. 146)
Do something for a neighbor, show them you care, no strings attached.3/16 – THURSDAY – DAY 24 (p. 150)
Serve a child who is your life today.3/17 – FRIDAY – DAY 25 (p. 154)
Visit, encourage, support someone you know is sick.3/18 – SATURDAY – DAY 26. (p. 158)
Serve God by serving others – volunteer.
- How can your group serve together before the RLC is over?
- A Food Packing Event is being scheduled and will be open to the congregation. Watch for more details.
- Click Here to watch the Week 4-Serving video.
- How can your group serve together before the RLC is over?
Week 5 - Giving - Mar 19-25
Our Heavenly Father gave his beloved Son for us. Jesus gave his life for us. What is our response to this deep sacrifice? What would it look like to give and expect nothing in return?
3/19 - SUNDAY - DAY 27 (p. 166)
Lend or give to someone and don’t ask for or expect anything in return.
3/20 - MONDAY - DAY 28 (p. 170)
What is something you own today that could benefit someone else?3/21 - TUESDAY - DAY 29 (p. 176)
Give food to the needy.
3/22 - WEDNESDAY - DAY 30 (p. 180)
Collect clothing and donate to charity.3/23 - THURSDAY - DAY 31 (p. 184)
Tithe for the next 6 months to your local church.3/24 - FRIDAY - DAY 32 (p. 190)
Give sacrificially today. Pray about where to give & how to give. Act in faith.3/25 - SATURDAY - DAY 33 (p. 196)
Give a great gift to a worthy person or charity today.
- Food collection at church next week. Thursday email will have specifics on donation needs.
- Spring Closet Clean Out to help Missions. Clothing collection happening on 3/22. Our youth will be collecting clothing, shoes, and soft items such as bedding, blankets, pillows that are gently used. Drop off items in garbage bags at garage by WC Academy doors. No household items please.
- Coats for the King, Palm Sunday – Bring your gently used coats to worship and lay them at the cross.
- Click Here to watch the Week 5-Giving video with your group this week.
- Food collection at church next week. Thursday email will have specifics on donation needs.
Week 6 - GOING - Mar 26-Apr 1
We know Jesus is our Savior. We know God provides for us. We know we have eternal life. We know we are forgiven. Are we able to speak about these things? Can we share them with family members and have faith conversations? Can we share them with friends and neighbors?
3/26 - SUNDAY - DAY 34 (p. 204)
Gather friends or family and share what God has done for you.
3/27 - MONDAY - DAY 35 (p. 210)
Say hello to some neighbors you haven’t met yet. Meet new people.
3/28 - TUESDAY - DAY 36 (p. 216)
Write down your testimony.3/29 - WEDNESDAY - DAY 37 (p. 222)
Record a video of the testimony you wrote yesterday.3/30 - THURSDAY - DAY 38 (p. 228)
Share your testimony with someone you know (who does not know Jesus).3/31 - FRIDAY - DAY 39 (p. 234)
Bless someone today who hasn’t done anything to earn your favor.
4/01 - SATURDAY - DAY 40 (p. 240)
Find a mentor or become a mentor (mature disciple of Jesus).
- Click Here to watch the Week 6-Going video.
- Stories open us up and make deep connections. Our brains are literally different when someone is telling us a story. Check out this article.
- Your story, your witness, your testimony needs to be heard. Don’t worry if you don’t have a dramatic testimony. Your authentic voice and experience are enough. Like the little boy’s loaves and fishes, offer Jesus what you have and watch him make abundantly more than you could ask or imagine.
- Below are a few writing prompts or questions to help you write your testimony.
- Remembering and retelling the story of Jesus – his life, death, resurrection, ascension and return is THE GREATEST STORY.
Type 1: Conversion
How did you come to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
Type 2: Character
What character traits of God and/or promises of God are most meaningful to you? Why?Type 3: Calling
Where do you join Christ in serving others? Why this place/project? What have you seen God do in you, through you, or in spite of you? How does serving shape your faith?Type 4: Circumstance
Tell of an important event which shaped and/or strengthened your faith.Type 5: Commendation
For centuries, the faithful wrote their last will and testament, aka their testimony. What spiritual message would you like to leave your loved ones?IMPORTANT POINTS FOR ANY TYPE OF TESTIMONY:
1. Pray first and often as you prepare. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, empower you, and draw the right situation to mind.
2. Focus on Jesus more than any other person or detail of your testimony. Point to Jesus again and again so it is clear who deserves the glory.
3. What scripture speaks to the main point of your testimony? Include it! If you’re having trouble finding one, ask for some help.
4. Speak as you usually speak. There’s no need for formality or fancy church words.
5. Be vulnerable, honest, humble, and real.
6. Write your testimony down. Be prepared to write several drafts with some time in between each one. The writing process will help you organize and clarify your testimony. Take a breath, it won’t be graded. It doesn’t have to be grammatically perfect.
- Click Here to watch the Week 6-Going video.
Week 1 - the Five Principles - Feb 19-25 (individual study)
The first week of the Red Letter Challenge gives an overview on the topics that we will be studying throughout these 40 days: Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving, and Going.
Begin reading on Feb 19. Pray for the Spirit to open your heart and mind as you enter these 40 days. Enjoy the journey!
2/19 - SUNDAY - INTRO (p. 6-17)
2/20 - MONDAY - DAY 1 (p. 18)
2/21 - TUESDAY - DAY 2. (p. 22)
2/22 - WEDNESDAY - DAY 3. (p. 26)
2/23 - THURSDAY - DAY 4 (p. 30)
2/24 - FRIDAY - DAY 5. (p. 34)
2/25 - SATURDAY - Take some time to pray over the upcoming challenge
- Have your Bible ready and/or download a Bible App on your smartphone.
- A Highlighter works nice in the book (especially on the dark printed pages).
- Click Here to watch the Week1-Introduction video.
- Have your Bible ready and/or download a Bible App on your smartphone.
group registration is closed - contact KRISTIN MILLER to join a group
Sign-up to join one of the group opportunities below. Don't see one that will work for you? Grab some friends and create a group of your own, take this challenge on as a family, or follow along individually.
Any way you choose to participate we want to support and encourage you along the way!
Red Letter Challenge - Group Study
Hosted by: Brett & Judy Easler
Contact Kristin Miller to join group
Red Letter Challenge - Group Study
Hosted by: Carrie Bell & Sharon Ellwein
Join Group - Full - Registration Now Closed for this group
Red Letter Challenge - Group Study
Hosted by: Jim & Candy Miller
Join Group - Full - Registration Now Closed for this group
Red Letter Challenge - Group Study
Hosted by: Pastor Mark Schreiber
Join Group - Full - Registration Now Closed for this group
Red Letter Challenge - Group Study
Hosted by: Cal & Debbie Hoople
Contact Kristin Miller to join group
Red Letter Challenge - Group Study
Hosted by: Jeremy & Alexandria Trieb
- Share a meal together
- Kids welcome
Join Group - Full - Registration Now Closed for this group -
Red Letter Challenge - Group Study
Hosted by: Scooter & Meaghan White
- Share a meal together (brunch-style potluck)
- Kids welcome
Looking for something else?
- Grab some friends and create a group of your own
- Take this challenge on as a family
- Follow along individually
Any way you choose to join the Red Letter Challenge - we want to support and encourage you.