March 18, 2019
Hi Church,
We wanted to keep you up to date on our Church Doctors Ministry process and highlight some of the wonderful things that are happening.
A Quick History:
Stemming from our 2017 Reconciliation Process, the Board of Directors partnered with Church Doctor Ministries to take a look at our entire ministry with an eye toward the future and a focus on discipleship (i.e., equipping people to do ministry and multiply ministry).
In August and September 2018, consultants Kent Hunter and Tracee Swank were on site to evaluate our ministry, look at our vision and mission, give us some overall feedback. Our staff and ministry leaders went to work on the recommendations they suggested.
A few of those recommendations were:
* Making the congregation aware of what God is doing through personal stories.
* Identifying ministry opportunities through the Spiritual Giftedness of the Congregation.
* Being more intentional about reaching school families who do not have a church home.
* Clarifying our Mission and Vision-culture. (Leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus by Connection, Growing, and Serving.
* Being intentional about mission work outside of our walls.
* Creating a simple culture of making disciples.
* Emphasizing a biblical model of Church Governance (i.e., the way we make decisions).
In February of this year (2019), Kent and Tracee were back on site to help facilitate the Governance process. A planning team was also formed to partner with the Staff and Board of Directors as we navigate adjusting our current leadership structure to allow us to move more confidently into the future.
On May 7th of this year (2019), Kent and Tracee will return to present to the congregation some of that work. In preparation, the congregation is asked to fill out a survey which is available from April 7 - April 14. You can pick up a survey at the welcome desks on Sunday or in the West Campus office during that week.
While Kent and Tracee invite everyone to the presentation, they have asked that only those who have taken the survey participate in the question and answer time. The reason for this is by taking the survey, you will understand some of the basic concepts of the process. Without taking the survey, you may be asking a question that is shown to be misinformed in front of the rest of the congregation.
To help keep you informed, we've created a tab on our website that you can check for any other updates ( or send an email to Pastor Todd at
Action Steps for you:
- Take a spiritual gifts test and let the office know of your results. Hardcopies are available at the welcome desks or online at
- On April 7-14th, pick up and return a copy of the Church Doctor Ministries Survey and attend the presentation on May 7th.
Church, God has been and continues to do amazing, life-changing things in and through our church. With a spirit of gratitude, let us continue to move forward as we see God leading us.